Disney Announces The Expected Completion Of The Fox Deal Next Week

This is it. Walt Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox and its film and television assets is finally coming to a close. The merger between the two is expected to come to completion next week.

Disney just sent out a media release this morning (via ComicBook.com), announcing that its acquisition with Fox is expected to close on March 20 at 12:02 AM. That's next Wednesday, eight days from today.

Fox shareholders are given until March 14, Thursday, at 5 pm ET to elect the form of consideration that they'd like to receive from the deal between the shareholders. After that, Fox will distribute the holdings at 8 am ET on March 19, Tuesday. Once that's completed, the transaction will be made complete.

The merger between Disney and Fox might seem a lot earlier than what analysts expected earlier this year, especially after all the different hurdles that the Mickey Mouse House had to face in its pursuit of the acquisition.

This is definitely big news. Sure, the idea of Disney ballooning even further might not seem ideal for some, but to Marvel fans, the merger can mean only good things. Not only will the acquisition allow the X-Men to make their way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it will also mean the arrival of the Fantastic Four, and all of Fox's other mutant characters.

For Star Wars fans, the merger could mean the potential release of the original unaltered trilogy which is currently under the ownership of Fox.

What do you think of the upcoming merger? Is it something that you're looking forward to?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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