Did You Spot the Iron Man Reference in The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere?

Jon Favreau has had a hand in a lot of great pop-culture lately from Iron Man to The Mandalorian. With him finally taking the reins of an episode, some fans have spotted a very neat Iron Man reference in the premiere episode of Mando Season 2.

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Credit: Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios

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As you can see, the scene where Cobb blows up a speeder full of bandits is very similar to the shot from Iron Man where Tony blows up a tank. Even the timing of the shots are close to similar, what with the long wait before we actually see the missile explode.

If anything, this isn't the first Iron Man reference that can be spotted in the show. The very first season had introduced us to the hefty Mandalorian that was voiced by Jon Favreau himself, and by the end of the episode, we actually see him jet off alongside Din in a shot that looks a lot closely like Iron Man flying.

Besides the Iron Man references, last week's premiere was actually filled to the brim with Easter Eggs. The sound the Krayt dragon makes is the same one that Obi-Wan does to scare off the tuskens in A New Hope. The pearl that the tuskens find in the dragon is also a reference to The Knights of the Old Republic; and Cobb's speeder actually looks like it was salvaged from Anakin's podracer from The Phantom Menace.

We don't know what else is going to come in the following episodes, but if the premiere had this much content, I can only imagine what could be next.

Catch The Mandalorian Season 2 now on Disney+.

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