Devil May Cry Switch Port is Not Getting a Physical Release

Fans were pretty pleased when Capcom announced that they would be bringing the first Devil May Cry would be coming to the Nintendo Switch this summer. However, there were some gripes since gamers were wondering why Capcom wasn't porting the Devil May Cry HD Collection, which collects HD remasters of the first three games and are readily available on PS4 and Xbox One for $29.99.

As if that wasn't annoying enough, the company also confirmed that the port would not be getting a physical release. Those that want to play the first game in this legendary series will only be able to do so digitally via the Nintendo eShop.

Depending on the price, this could be too much for some fans and might even anger others. Capcom already received some heat when they priced the remastered Resident Evil games on Switch for $29.99 a piece when they were only $19.99 each on PS4 and Xbox One. It seems like Capcom knows they can make a ton of money on this system and they are pretty much exploiting.

This is really disappointing since Mega Man 11 and the recent Dragon's Dogma port were fairly priced at $29.99 each. What's up Capcom?

Are you guys going to get Devil May Cry on Nintendo Switch?

Read: Devil May Cry is Coming to Nintendo Switch This Summer