Detective Pikachu Director Weighs In on Sonic Movie Changing the Character's Design

Paramount's Sonic the Hedgehog has been a centerpiece of controversy since images of the Sega mascot were first leaked, and the official trailer didn't help things either. While many are looking forward to seeing Jim Carrey ham it up on the big screen, Sonic's redesign was just too much for some. The movie's director has since stated that this character will be redesigned, which was a move praised by many but also seen as controversial since animation is really hard work.

Detective Pikachu director Rob Letterman recently weighed in on the decision made to redesign Sonic for the upcoming movie. Speaking with The Verge, Letterman sympathizes with the studio since they worked on a whole year to make the Pokemon look authentic. He states that they are lucky to not be on Paramount's position, though the director does think they can pull this off.

"There's no right or wrong to how you make one of these movies. It would be very difficult for us to redesign anything. We spent a year designing all the characters ahead of shooting so that we could get it all right. If we were off by an inch on Pikachu, [actor] Justice Smith's performance would go right out the window. For us, it would have been impossible — but that doesn't mean they can't do it. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes — they're in a difficult spot."

While there are fans who don't like the Pokemon designs for Detective Pikachu, even they feel like those creature recreations are on a much higher tier-list when compared to the bad job Paramount did with Sonic. Granted, the scripted moments that were seen in the trailer also looks pretty weak but maybe Sonic's new design will make things better.

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu comes out on May 10. Sonic the Hedgehog will hit cinemas this November.

Read: Sonic The Hedgehog Co-Creator Reacts To Fans Forcing Movie Redesign