Detective Conan, also known as Case Closed, returned for another week with Episode 1055, after a short hiatus. If you look forward to more, here's all about Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056, including its release date and time!
In typical Conan TV fashion, this was a good, though not excellent episode which didn't progress the plot very much. But there's always hope for the next one!
Detective Conan Case Closed Overview and Episode 1055 Highlights
Detective Conan or Case Closed hardly needs any introduction. The mystery anime has been with us for an impressive number of years, having aired for the first time in 1996.
The shonen anime by TMS Entertainment follows Shinichi Kudou, a high-school boy who is a talented detective despite his youth.
When he witnesses a disturbing illegal activity, he's dosed with an experimental drug and left for dead.
To his surprise, he does survive, but his body becomes that of a seven-year-old child.
His intelligence, however, remains intact, and his new body doesn't stop him from solving many mysteries. Though he faces a unique set of challenges due to his supposed youth.
Some fans wonder if Detective Conan Case Closed will ever end, but, as has been the case for the last 25 years, that day isn't today.
In Detective Conan Episode 1055, Sayaka presumes a suicide case to have been a murder - but is that true or just bait?
Fans found the answer less surprising than it might have been, marking another filler episode that didn't do much in terms of plot progression.
Related: Why Do Anime Have Fillers?
Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 Release Date
The scheduled release date of Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 is on Saturday, September 17, 2022.
There was a delay last week, but the anime will now resume its regular schedule as the preview confirms:
Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 Release Time
We expect Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 to air on September 17, at 6 PM JST.
If this timeline remains correct, here is when you should be able to watch the newest episode of the series on streaming platforms in different time zones:
- Pacific Time: 4:30 AM
- Central Time: 6:30 AM
- Eastern Time: 7:30 AM
- British Time: 12:30 PM
Related: Does Conan Turn Back in Detective Conan Case Closed?
Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 COUNTDOWN
Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 Release Date
Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1056 will come out really soon! Stay tuned to see the next adventure of the notoriously ageless detective!