Detective Conan, known as Case Closed Episode 1036 is coming out very soon. As the short promo reveals, this week's mystery is going to unfold during a ski trip - fitting for this time of the year.
Whether you're a new or long-term fan of the shonen anime and the not-so-young detective, you might be wondering about the show's new episodes in 2022. If so, keep reading. Here's everything you need to know about Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4, or Episode 1036, release date:
Detective Conan Case Closed: What Is It About?
Detective Conan or Case Closed hardly needs any introduction. It's been with us for an impressive number of years, having aired for the first time in 1996. The shonen work by TMS Entertainment follows Shinichi Kudou, a high-school boy who is a talented detective despite his youth. When he witnesses a disturbing illegal activity, he's dosed with an experimental drug and left for dead.
To his surprise, he does survive, but his body becomes that of a seven-year-old child. His intelligence, however, remains unaffected, and his new body doesn't stop him from solving many mysteries - although he must keep his identity a secret.
Episode 1035, which aired recently, served as the conclusion to a three-episode-long mystery. Some fans found it lacking, as too much screen time was devoted to a recap. The anime might have been better off if some of the filler mysteries spanned over two, rather than three episodes. Moreover, viewers would love to see the main plot progress a little faster - but that's a bit much to expect from a 25-year-old anime.
Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4 Release Date
Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4 or Episode 1036 is going to air on Saturday, the 29th of January 2022, in both Japan and elsewhere.
Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4 Release Time
We expect Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4, or Episode 1036 to air on Saturday the 29th of January at 6:00 pm in Japan, as the promo confirms. If this timeline remains correct, here's how it translates in different time zones:
- Pacific Time: 2:00 AM
- Central Time: 4:00 AM
- Eastern Time: 5:00 AM
- British Time: 10:00 AM
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Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4 COUNTDOWN
Detective Conan Case Closed Episode 1036 Countdown
You can watch Episode 1036 of the notoriously never-ending anime very soon. One Piece Episodes are also going to air soon. If you fancy something with a foreseeable ending instead, you can try the last season of Attack on Titan. And if you'd like to try something newer, why not check The Case Study of Vanitas?
Detective Conan Case Closed Season 30 Episode 4: Where to Watch
Detective Conan Case Closed is available to stream online with English subtitles on Crunchyroll. As usual, subscribed users can watch new episodes immediately upon release. Those watching for free have to wait an extra week. A Crunchyroll subscription starts at $7.99.