Over the last decade, Demon Slayer managed to establish becoming one of the biggest names in anime and it continues to prove why it has been a staple name in the business over the years. With a second run about to arrive, everyone is looking out for what will happen next in the series and an update surfaced that some unseen footage from season one will be released.
Demon Slayer airs in local television networks across Japan as season one is in full swing ahead of season 2. In an update, Demon Slayer announced that there would be a special re-airing of the whole first season and along with the recap of it would be various compilations of never-before-seen-footage of five specials.
These special unseen footages would reportedly be through end credits, promos, previews, eye catches, easter eggs, and more. Though it would not be included as new scenes or shots to every episode, it's safe to keep a keen eye on this footage to stay up to date.
The specials will be going live starting September 11 for Demon Slayer ad it will continue on the 12th, 18th, 19th, and the 23rd before the anime show gets the movie into the cable network as Demon Slayer Mugen Train arc is expected to air on September 25, 2021. The second season, as many are looking forward to, would be sometime this October and everyone is still waiting for the official announcement from the parties involved.
Related: Why Zenitsu is the Most Relatable Character in Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is an isekai anime series produced by Ufotable which will be directed again by Haruo Sotozaki and character designs from Akira Matsushima. Its second season will be titled Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Yūkaku-hen which will follow the arc of the anime film Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train.
Demon Slayer will be available online on the anime streaming platforms of Crunchyroll and Funimation and the manga series remains available through Viz Media.