Thor: Love and Thunder is among the highly-anticipated MCU films slated for 2022. Helmed by Taika Waititi, Love and Thunder will see the King of Asgard again together with Thor-centric characters including Valkryie, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Jane Foster's long-awaited comeback as Lady Thor. While critically-acclaimed actor Christian Bale is set to make his debut in the MCU as the sinister villain, Gorr The God Butcher.
Although the recent trailer didn't reveal any scene featuring Bale's Gorr, promotional materials like action figures hinted at what the sinister villain would look like. As fans wait for the next trailers to arrive to have the first look at the awaited villain, movie insiders who saw Gorr in footage hint at the villain's terrifying look.
In an episode of John Campea show, trusted movie insider John Campea together with several hosts shared some new details about Christian Bale's debut as Gorr The God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder.
Robert Meyer Burnett and Campea confirm that they witnessed footage of Bale's Gorr. Campea described the villain as "straight-up freaky, while Erin Cummings calls it "absolutely terrifying."
Campea described, "Oh yeah, we got footage of Gorr! We have it and we are not sharing with people because I got in trouble for that before. And oh my god, when you guys see Christian Bale as Gorr, oh my god... because what we saw was straight up freaky, it is a thing right out of nightmares."
"Yes, I saw the photo, I've had nightmares like every night ever since. It is absolutely terrifying," Cummings added.
In Marvel Comics, Gorr murdered countless gods using his All Black Necrosword, thus gaining the title God Butcher. And now that Christian Bale is set to play the live-action version of the character, fans foresee that the A-list actor will exceed expectations.
In leaked promotional arts, Gorr's costume includes a white getup with tentacles that resembles Venom's symbiote, wielding his famous Necrosword.
While Thor 4's plot remains undisclosed at this point, with Gorr set as the new ruthless anti-hero, it looks like the God of Thunder will face off against a worthy enemy.
Thor: Love and Thunder will hit the big screens on July 8.
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