Chadwick Boseman is Live-Action Star-Lord in Awesome Tribute What If...? Art

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

I think it's pretty safe to say that this week's episode of What If...? wrecked the emotions of Marvel Cinematic Universe fans everywhere and quite frankly, it's hard not to feel that way especially considering Episode 2 marks one of Chadwick Boseman's final appearances in the franchise. The said episode was something truly special because it serves as our official farewell to the beloved Black Panther actor.

On a lighter note, What If...?'s second episode which sees T'Challa replace Peter Quill as Star-Lord was home to several amazing moments — from the unexpected team-up between him and Nebula to the jaw-dropping inclusion of a "nicer" version of Thanos, plus that tease during the end and it had many fans thinking that a live-action version of it would've turned out great on screen.

I'm gonna have to agree but sadly, we'll never get to see that happen but thanks to digital artist @artoftimemarvel, we have an idea as to how Boseman would have looked as the live-action version of the "Legendary Outlaw". The stunning art also features Micheal Rooker and Karen Gillan's alternate version of Nebula. Check it out here:

Also Read:What If...? Fans are Emotional Over Chadwick Boseman's Final MCU Appearance

Chadwick's time in the MCU may have been short-lived but there's no denying that the late actor left a lasting impact on the franchise. I'm personally glad that he agreed to take on the animated project before his passing and it just speaks volumes of how dedicated he truly was when it came to his craft. There will never be another Chadwick Boseman. #WakandaForever

What If...? is already streaming on Disney+.