Captain Marvel Producer Defends Controversial Carol Danvers Plot

Having no romantic pursuit is a rare sight within the MCU, and Captain Marvel is one of the few. However, seeing as Captain Marvel’s first film focused more on Carol Danvers’ origins, the absence of a male counterpart was significant in Marvel, which Captain Marvel editor Debbie Berman pointed out in the Captain Marvel episode of Disney+’s new MPower series.

“There was no reason to have a male counterpart, ‘cause it didn’t add anything to the story,” Berman said, continuing on to say how the film aimed to highlight more on the friendship between Carol and Maria Rambeau, “And it’s one of the most wonderful friendships we’ve put together in the MCU.”

It is worth noting that Carol’s stronger pursuit for building bonds and friendships is more prominent, considering that having someone who’s got your back is better than seeking romance. Friendship, after all, just so happens to be another form of love. Perhaps this is what the Captain Marvel sequel, The Marvels, has been building from the very beginning.

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It’s quite timely, seeing as Disney+’s MPower series is in celebration of paying tribute to women’s representation and empowerment within the MCU, and Carol Danvers happens to be one of those women. To be fair, this doesn’t mean Carol would never take chances falling for a romantic pursuit, but this breaks the stigma of having a foundation built on romantic love, rather than rooting from a platonic one.

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Now, it remains to be seen as to whether or not Captain Marvel could ever get her love interest in the MCU, however, she evidently doesn’t need it. As Brie Larson said: “In this film, the great love of her life is her best friend. And it’s humbling, because you realize [that] love doesn’t have to be romantic. It can be a deep friendship.”

The Marvels is now scheduled to premiere on November 10, 2023.