Captain Marvel: Brie Larson was Born on the Exact Same Day as the Umbrella Academy Kids

Brie Larson is high on the spotlight with the release of Captain Marvel, but there's a fun coincidence that connects her to another big comic book property right now—Netflix's The Umbrella Academy. As it turns out, she was born on the exact same day (to the year!) that the Hargreeves kids were born.

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We don't have any confirmation that Larson was conceived and born on the same day like the Hargreeves siblings, but we do know that she's becoming a superhero of her very own, now providing inspiration for little girls everywhere with her role as Carol Danvers. No doubt everyone will be on the edge of their seats trying to find out what Captain Marvel does to Thanos in Avengers: Endgame.

As for The Umbrella Academy, the show proved to be a big success for Netflix, and the second season has already been commissioned. We don't know when it will release, but counting the special effects that need to be put at work with the show, I can imagine a release sometime in 2021. Then again, a second season for the next year could also be doable.

Captain Marvel and The Umbrella Academy have their own different kind of appeal, but it's neat that the two shows have somehow found themselves linked by this coincidence. I'm wondering what Larson has to say about it.

Catch Captain Marvel now in theaters with the first season of Umbrella Academy now streaming on Netflix.

See Also: Netflix's Umbrella Academy Renewed for a Second Season