A woman named Kit receives a mysterious invitation that would fulfill her childhood dreams.
Captain Marvel is currently killing it at the box office, and Netflix has decided it's the best time to release their trailer for Unicorn Store—a film starring and directed by CM star Brie Larson.
What's interesting is, the movie also has Samuel L. Jackson as the Willy Wonka-type who's running the so-called ‘Unicorn Store' in the movie. We don't know how Jackson got involved, but I think this was all due to the fact that him and Larson had gotten close after working together for Captain Marvel.
It's also funny that the movie should have an appearance from Karan Soni. You'll probably recognize Soni best for his role of Dopinder in the Deadpool films.
The film looks delightfully colorful and quirky, and you can see some of Brie Larson's Captain Marvel shining through the trailer. It's one thing to watch Larson act, but it would be interesting what she has to bring to the table with her in the directors' chair.
With Netflix, there's been a lot of opportunity for creatives to bring to life their smaller projects that would otherwise be huge risks if they were given a big studio release. While it doesn't compare to the spectacle of the cinema, at least we get to see some films made with creatives given a lot of freedom—plus it saves you a car ride and a movie ticket by being free on Netflix.
Unicorn Store comes out April 5 on Netflix.
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