Is There a Post-Credit Scene in The Boy and the Heron?

Is There a Post-Credit Scene in The Boy and the Heron? Mahito
Credit: Studio Ghibli

Is There a Post-Credit Scene in The Boy and the Heron? Mahito
Credit: Studio Ghibli

Coming after a decade, Hayao Miyazaki’s latest magnum opus from Studio Ghibli is a tale of friendship, love, and life. But is there a post-credit scene in The Boy and the Heron?

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for The Boy and the Heron anime movie, so proceed with caution.

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What Is The Boy and the Heron About?

After the horrifying death of Mahito Maki’s mother in the Tokyo air attacks, he and his father, Shoichi Maki, relocated outside the city.

The father and son start to live with Mahito’s maternal aunt Natsuko, who is expecting a new baby.

Meanwhile, Mahito continues to grapple with the painful demise of his mother. Moreover, he is finding it difficult to adjust to his altered family dynamic.

Later, as the story progresses, Mahito encounters a speaking gray heron who starts tormenting him.

The Gray Heron in The Boy and the Heron
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Credit: Studio Ghibli

This mysterious bird assures Mahito that by visiting a nearby deserted house, he can reunite with his deceased mother.

The Boy and the Heron is set in a world where the lines between the dead and the living blur.

In this mysterious realm, death ceases to exist marking the start of a fresh beginning for life.

Miyazaki’s semi-autobiographical fantasy explores the themes of life, creation, and death.

The Boy and the Heron is a heartfelt tribute to friendship as viewed by the brilliant mind of Miyazaki.

Is There a Post-Credit Scene in The Boy and the Heron?

Is There a Post-Credit Scene in The Boy and the Heron? Lady Himi
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Credit: Studio Ghibli

There's no post-credit scene in The Boy and the Heron. Instead of a post-credit scene, there is a comment from Miyazaki after the end credits that reads, “Perhaps, you didn’t understand it. I myself don’t understand it.”

The conclusion of this Miyazaki movie is poignant, illustrating Mahito's character arc as it evolves and reaches its culmination, with him accepting the need to move on in life.

ALSO READ: What Does the Ending of The Boy and the Heron Mean?

Does Hayao Miyazaki Like Having Post-Credit Scenes in His Movies?

Natsuko The Boy and the Heron
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Credit: Studio Ghibli

There are no post-credit scenes in Miyazaki's past movies. Miyazaki likely prefers to tell his story in its entirety before the end credit rolls.

Moreover, Miyazaki's movies often end on a somber note, leaving the audience with something to ponder, leaving little to no room for a post-credit scene.

The Boy and the Heron came out in theaters in the US on December 8, 2023.

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