Tite Kubo's popular shonen series Bleach recently returned to Shonen Jump this week with a new one-shot. It has been years since the last chapter and latest anime episode for Bleach were released, and now it looks like more announcements are being planned for the series.
This week, Weekly Shonen Jump shared an update about Bleach-related information, revealing that there's a Bleach event set for August 23, but the magazine didn't exactly say what to expect.
Now, fans are wondering what big news Bleach may drop soon. There's a huge fandom for the series, so it's not surprising to see more come for the franchise. It's already confirmed that Bleach anime will be returning with the long-awaited adaptation of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, but the studio hasn't released further details about the new episodes.
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It's likely that the upcoming Bleach EX Exhibition will announce the return of the manga series, or maybe a new feature length film, but for now, all we can do is guess. As a former fan of both the Bleach manga series and anime adaptation, I'm not that excited to find out. Tite Kubo's manga series felt like an endless quest of powering-up without much substance to the story.
What kind of news do you think Bleach will drop in a few weeks? Let us know what you think, and don't forget to join our Anime Rocks My World page on Facebook for the latest news, updates, and memes about anime.