Sony Promo Featuring Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, & Andrew Garfield Fuels Spider-Verse Speculations

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

Marvel fans have been toying with the idea of a live-action Spider-Verse film for years now and while it has loads of potential to be a great business move for both Marvel Studios and Sony, the idea has already been debunked multiple times over the last couple of months. However, Jamie Foxx's inclusion in the third MCU Spider-Man film as Electro leaves the door wide open for an epic Marvel crossover event.

Hold on to the edge of your seats, webheads as this could (emphasis on "could") possibly be the confirmation we've been waiting for all these months. A new promo from Sony's Latinoamerica YouTube channel is teasing the arrival of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in Earth-616. Now, this may appear as just a simple promotional teaser for some of you but the video's description is quite interesting. The clip's text graphics read: "Who is your favorite Spider-Man? You don't have to choose. In the Marvel Multiverse, anything can happen. In Spider-Man 3, it is very possible you will see everyone. Yes! The three Peter Parkers saving the world together."

The epic promo, posted on Sony Latinoamerica's official YouTube channel has since been turned private but you can watch the clip via Twitter below:

Of course, this is all just speculation for now so we better not get our hopes up but on the other hand, a lot can still happen in the project considering the fact that they've just started production weeks ago. Could you imagine how massive it would be if the upcoming film ends up being a full-blown Spider-Verse flick with all three Spider-Men coming together to save the world? The possibilities are exciting.

Spider-Man 3 is slated for release in December 2021.

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