Black Panther star Danai Gurira confirmed that the upcoming Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will feature a beautiful Chadwick Boseman tribute in the film. On the red carpet for the recent Met Gala, the Black Panther star was interviewed by Variety about what fans can expect from the highly-anticipated sequel.
The actress explained how the director of the film, Ryan Coogler, has been instrumental in honoring the legacy of Chadwick Boseman. When Boseman passed away back in 2020, a lot of fans wondered what would happen to the sequel of Black Panther. The cast and crew promised to push through in spite of the massive absence he leaves in the production of the film.
"Listen, we poured everything we had into it," Danai Gurira began after trying to collect her thoughts. "We hope you experience that and it resonates the way it does for us. It tells a very heart-wrenching story and that is all I can say. I'm very grateful for the way out director/writer handled that.”
Black Panther star Angela Bassett will also be going back to the sequel. She recently gave some praise for the Coogler as well. The Kelly Clarkson Show recently featured some of her appreciation for Ryan Coogler making the highly-anticipated sequel of Black Panther.
"I really give a lot up to our director and our writer Ryan Coogler. He's such a tremendous talent, and everyone that he brings on that set," Bassett said. "Everyone in front of the camera and behind the camera, so impressive, and giving a thousand percent of their gifts. So it's a beautiful place."
In an interview with Entertainment Tonight back in March, Black Panther star Danny Sapani also had the same comments as the actors about the Black Panther sequel. "Obviously, without Chad it's very different. But we're gonna keep flying that flag, keep trying to tell that story because it's just an incredible story and an incredible film," Sapani told Entertainment Tonight. "Well, I don't think you can compare them, to be honest with you. I think we're just going to keep telling the story and honoring the great man. All of the people that are involved with that project are very close. I think it makes for a great sort of company feel. So, I imagine it's going to blow everyone away in the way the first one did."
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is set to be released on November 11, 2022.
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