Black Clover is a fantasy-themed anime that follows Asta, a young boy who was born without magic despite living in a world where everyone has some sort of powers. Although he was different, Asta wanted to be the next Wizard King. Asta was raised in an orphanage with a fellow orphan named Yuno. He was a prodigy who was born with immense power.
The two became rivals as they both wanted to be the next Wizard King. Yuno received a legendary-four leaf grimoire while Asta, surprisingly, got a five-leaf grimoire. The winner between the two seemed obvious as Yuno was the one with unlimited magical ability. He also has a talent incomparable to anyone in the series. If those were not enough, another type of magic related to Yuno was introduced in the series.
Black Clover’s Star Magic Explained
Star Magic is a magic attribute in which the user can generate and manipulate stars. It was passed down to the House Grinberryall, Spade Kingdom’s royal family. To use its full potential, there are specific spells that are needed to be used. These spells can be found inside grimoires.
Once the spells are used, the stars will be connected to each other, creating a constellation with immense attack and defense. Star Magic can be used to teleport as well and the user will appear beneath any star. For those who watched Black Clover since the beginning, they can remember that Yuno is the long-lost son of Spade Kingdom’s royal family, making him one of the people who can use Star Magic.
Yuno can combine Star Magic and Wind Magic to perform stronger spells. By using Star Magic, Yuno can create miniature starts to become the source of his abilities. The stars will fire magic spells used as energy attacks or used as energy constructs.
The spells that are required to make an offensive move are Quartile Hasta and Quartile Flagellum. To make a defensive attack, Quartile Scutum should be used. Lastly, for supplementary, Conjunction is the spell Yuno must use. Since Yuno recently discovered his ability to use Star Magic, it will take time for him to master it. When the time comes, we might be able to see a stronger and more powerful Yuno unlike before.
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