While the anime adaptation is set to conclude on March 30th, 2021 (which will be followed by an important announcement), the shonenmanga series Black Clover is still going strong with chapter 286 set to be published soon!
Created by Yuki Tabata, the story for this action series centers on Asta who was born without magic abilities, but that's not stopping him from trying to become the next Wizard King! The series has been collected in 27 volumes in Japan as of January 2021 and VIZ Media is releasing the series in English with 24 volumes released as of January 2021.
Black Clover Chapter 286 Release Date
According to the official English Shonen Jump website, the latest chapter is set to be uploaded to the service on Sunday, March 21st.
Black Clover Chapter 286 Release Time
The new chapter will be released in Japan at 12 am Japan Standard Time, which translates to being released at or around the following times around the world:
Pacific Time: 8 AM
Central Time: 10 AM
Eastern Time: 11 AM
British Time: 4 PM
Black Clover Chapter 286 Spoilers
No spoilers have been released online for this series as of this writing. Once the chapter is released, we will update this article with a full summary.
Black Clover Chapter 285 Summary
Titled "A Hellish Game of Tag", this chapter features Nacht's rooster form named Union Mode: Gallus. Nacht also takes the devils to a new location and gets into a physical confrontation with them. Meanwhile, the vice-captain of the Black Bull pulls the twin devils into the abyss and the chapter ends with a tease that we'll be reading about Nacht's back story in the following chapter.
With the anime coming to an end soon, despite there being plenty of material left to adapt, it makes me wonder what's next for Black Clover and I'm sure that many fans around the world are feeling exactly the same way.