Bethesda Knew Fallout 76 Wouldn't Get Good Reviews

Fallout 76 was one of the biggest disappointments to come out last year, with almost everyone agreeing that it was a mediocre experience and a poor online outing. Bethesda took a huge risk bringing the series online and not including any NPCs (non-playable characters) since they wanted players to feel isolated and alone unless teaming up with other players. As it turns out, Bethesda knew that this game wouldn't get good reviews.

During a tell-all interview with IGN, Bethesda Director Todd Howard said that he knew that the game wouldn't get great scores at Metacritic. Howard even claims that a lot of the criticism for the game was "well-deserved," since this was a pretty unconventional game to release. Sadly, it wasn't the game people wanted and Howard takes some responsibility for it.

"We knew we were going to have a lot of bumps. That's a difficult development; a lot of new systems and things like that. 'Hey, we're going to try this new thing.' Anytime you're going to do something new like that, you know you're going to have your bumps; you know a lot of people might say, 'That's not the game we want from you.' But we still want to be somebody that's trying new things. That was a very difficult, difficult development on that game to get it where it was ...a lot of those difficulties ended up on the screen. We knew, hey look, this is not the type of game that people are used to from us and we're going to get some criticism on it. A lot of that--very well-deserved criticism."

Admittedly, the game does have its fans since Bethesda still updates the game a lot. There is also expected to be a ton of free updates, as well as paid DLC, though the latter won't be coming out anytime soon. At least, that appears to be the case.

Fallout 76 is coming out on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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