While not perfect, Avengers: Endgame was a satisfactory end to many of the MCU's storylines. Say what you will about certain aspects of the film or the weird characterization moments but there was a lot to like and it's rare to see something have a sense of finality in a huge franchise like this.
Fans have a lot of moments to talk about but one, in particular, made them smile and cry; Iron Man's final words to Thanos.
In Avengers: Endgame, Tony manages to take the Infinity Stones from Thanos as the brilliant billionaire, playboy, philanthropist revealed that his armor could hold all of the Infinity Stones. Just as Thanos snapped his fingers and said "I am inevitable," before realizing that he didn't have the Stones, Tony one-ups him and says "I. Am. Iron Man." It's a moment that had fans cheering then crying, with many now hating Doctor Strange for making Tony do that (it was the only way though).
Surprisingly enough, The Russo Brothers told fans in a Q and A session (via Slash Film) that this moment was added in the last minute. Originally, they had Tony say nothing and they were spitballing to see what quip he should say before sacrificing his life to save the universe. Thankfully, their awesome editor was there to save their film.
"Tony used to not say anything in that moment. And we were in the editing room going, ‘He has to say something. This a character who has lived and died by quips.' And we just couldn't, we tried a million different last lines. Thanos was saying 'I am inevitable.' And our editor Jeff Ford, who's been with us all four movies and is an amazing storyteller, said ‘Why don't we just go full circle with it and say I am Iron Man.' And we're like, ‘Get the cameras! We have to shoot this tomorrow.'"
Avengers: Endgame is now showing in theaters. Thank editor Jeff Ford for making Tony's last stand awesome.
Read: Why the Russo Brothers had [SPOILER] Make the Ultimate Sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame