Avengers: Endgame Almost Had Thor Fight (SPOILERS)

Even though it took place after Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame ended up being much lighter than we imagined. This probably had a lot to do with the time travel hijinks that occurred, which resulted in a lot of amusing moments that no one could have predicted.

The highlight of this was obviously Captain America fighting his younger self, with the older Steve being annoyed at his younger self's "I could do this all day" catchphrase. Nebula also encountered her younger self, though this was a much more dire and serious affair since this was how Thanos invaded our Earth. However, The Russo Brothers have confirmed that Thor was also going to fight his younger self.

Speaking with MTV's Happy Sad Confused Podcast, the directing duo confirmed that there was going to be a scene where "thicc" Thor fought the younger, sexier version of himself. However, The Russos felt that this scene would have felt forced and repetitive, so they ended up having Thor meet his mother again, which was a much better scene, to be honest.

"I think there, we also deferred to the storyline between Thor and his mother. [It] was so resonant, that we really wanted to run... That was really more a part of Thor's journey and repair than confronting his former self. So that's really what happened there, why we went with that."

Let's be thankful they changed that scene since it was emotionally effective and really added to Thor's arc. The character had been through so much and it was nice to see him happy for a brief moment. Knowing that he was still worthy was also a bit of a tearjerker in hindsight.

Avengers: Endgame is now showing in theaters.

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