In the Attack on Titan finale, a glowing creature emerges from Eren’s Founding Titan. It was very aggressive and seemed like a parasite that needed to find another host, but what exactly is this glowing creature in Attack on Titan?
Spoiler Warning: This article contains major spoilers from Attack on Titan's finale.
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What Exactly Is the Glowing Creature in Attack on Titan?
What we know is that the glowing creature in Attack on Titan comes in different names, but it is widely regarded as the source of all living matter or life itself, as Zeke mentioned.
It is the only entity that has survived the continuous cycle of countless masses appearing and disappearing in the world.
According to Zeke Yeager, it has the ability to multiply, and through multiplying, it was able to adapt to any environment, which led them to where they are today: growing numerous, more widespread, and more abundant.
Some identify it as the Devil of All Earth, the Founding Titan itself, the true nature of the power of the titans, and the shining thing that keeps on squirming to continue living on the Earth’s surface.
In physical form, the glowing creature looks like a shiny centipede to Gabi Braun. Jean Kirstein doesn’t want to know more about it, while Levi Ackerman knows for certain that the only way to finish the nightmare it brought upon the world is to kill its host body, Eren himself.
It also looks like an insect, with evident limbs attached all over its body. It has no joints or segments, but it has a lot of feelers. It also varies in size, as seen before it fused itself into Ymir and when it emerged from the Founding Titan.
In a nutshell, the glowing creature is an anomaly that imbued Ymir Fritz with the power of the Titans.
What Are Some of the Glowing Creature’s Abilities?
The glowing creature, or anomaly, as some would say, imbued Ymir Fritz with the Power of the Titans, ultimately changing the course of the world.
Ymir stumbled upon this glowing creature in a tree in the middle of the forest while she was running from her abusers. It latched itself into Ymir’s body, and she became the first-ever titan.
Noticeably, this glowing creature dramatically affects any living thing or organic life it chooses to fuse with. For instance, the tree that stood over the glowing creature for so many years grew in size, creating a chasm on its base.
We now know that the glowing creature became the root source of the titan powers, but it was also able to give immense life-enhancing properties and link the Eldians’ consciousness across time and space through the Paths, where life and death are non-existent.
When it senses danger, the glowing creature acts aggressively to fend for itself, just like any other human or animal that wants to survive.
Is the Glowing Creature Still Alive?
It is uncertain whether the glowing creature is still alive after Eren died and the titan powers disappeared.
However, it is widely regarded that the glowing creature still exists to this day and is residing within Eren and Mikasa’s tree, waiting for someone with whom it can fuse itself again.
History thus repeats itself, and the power of the titans will once again run the course of the world; at least that’s how many people see it.
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