Attack on Titan creator Hajime Isayama may have concluded his popular manga series with the release of Chapter 139, but there is more of the series for fans to enjoy in addition to the final episodes of the anime adaptation coming next year. According to a new report, the finale of Attack on Titan will get additional pages soon.
Kodansha released this update as translators shared the news from the latest magazine of the publisher. The company confirmed that the final volume of Attack on Titan will come with additional pages never released in the original printing of Chapter 139. The additional pages of the Attack on Titan final chapter will be featured in Volume 34 when it comes out, but the extra pages will be released in Japan ahead of the U.S. since the English translations usually take time, so if Volume 34 comes out in Japan this summer, it's likely that fans in America will be able to check out the English version around winter or later.
The new comes just a few days after Kodansha announced that a reprint of the issue featuring Attack on Titan Chapter 139 is already ordered for April 30, 2021 in Japan after the issue featuring the final chapter sold out in Japan.
Fans can read the Chapter 139 through services such as Crunchyroll Manga and ComiXology.