In the Invincible franchise, we come to know of the Martians as an alien force that can shapeshift into humans. While they cannot be controlled by Sequids, a human-possessed Sequid can do the job. This makes us wonder are the Martians extinct in Invincible?
Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Invincible, so proceed with caution.
Who are the Martians in Invincible?
In the Invincible universe, the Martians are an alien race that resides on Mars. Every single Martian can shapeshift and turn into whatever they want.
Because of this power, the Sequids are unable to control their minds.
Their shapeshifting capability allows them to become almost anything. In one episode, the Martian Guards have hidden meticulously by shifting their bodies into crystals on the wall.
The ruler of the Martians is the Emperor of Mars.
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Are the Martians Extinct in Invincible?
A Reddit user shared a theory he believes could be real. The user says:
"The Martian are probably all dead now since Invincible blew up the ship carrying them all cause of the Sequids so the only one left was Shapesmith and then Rex killed him so they’re all likely dead now."
The user here is referencing the heroic escape that Invincible did for the astronauts. However, they do not realize that one of the astronauts, Rus Livingston, had been taken over by the Sequids.
In the place of the astronaut, a random Martian has shapeshifted to join the trip back home. He also becomes The Shapesmith, a superhero who is really a Martian.
It's possible that he could be the remaining Martian after the ship blew up.
So are the Martians extinct in Invincible?
Based on the fan theory, it's not possible that the Martians are extinct. This is because, in Robert Kirkman's Invincible Compendium 1, it was never implied that all of the Martians were on board the warship that Invincible blew up.
It's possible that the Martians in Invincible are endangered, not extinct. We'll have to wait for more episodes of Invincible to come out so we know what happens to the Martians.
Invincible Season 2 Part 2 is now streaming on Prime Video.
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