It looks like another Harry Potter actress has come out slamming author JK Rowling for her "fascist" and anti-trans views.
Speaking in an interview with The Times,Harry Potter star Miriam Margoyles decided to share her reaction to Rowling's controversial and negative views against trans people. Not only does Margoyles say that she doesn't agree with Rowling's conservative opinions regarding trans people and the trans community, but she also shared a story of how her former (and now deceased) Latin tutor came out to her as a trans woman.
"She [Rowling] has a rather conservative view of transgender people. I don't think I do...It's a matter of personal happiness for people and I think that's what you should concentrate on...If you seriously want to become a woman you should be allowed to. You can't be fascist about it."
Margoyle's statement is rather strong, however, there have been a lot of stronger reactions to Rowling's opinions and comments. The problem with the author began when Rowling tweeting support for a woman who was fired for saying trans women weren't women. Not only that, but just recently, she tweeted an article about creating a better world for people who menstruate after the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. The writer came under fire for her comments implying that people who menstruate used to be called women – a comment seen by many as an attack against the trans community.
Sure, the writer might be entitled to her views, however, being in a place where so many people look up to her, it's apparent that Rowling's opinions have harmed fans who have been inspired by the themes of acceptance and love in the Harry Potter book series.
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