The Star Wars franchise has been known for its numerous iconic lines in its decades-long history whether it's the dialogues that the characters spoke on-screen or the traditional title cards that are usually part of the films.
One of the many lines that it's been known for is "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." which is the title card that is usually used at the beginning of their films right before the opening crawl appears.
That iconic line at the start of every film always signifies that what we're about to see is an epic "fairy tale" that is set within the Star Wars galaxy and it always brings smiles to fans as it amps up their excitement on the story that they're going to be immersed at.
Now, 46 years since the franchise started, the line has finally been spoken by a character on-screen for the very first time.
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Huyang Mentions the Iconic Star Wars Line in Ahsoka Episode 6
During the cold open of the recent sixth episode of Ahsoka, Ahsoka Tano and Huyang are seen continuing their hyperspace trip inside the Purrgil as they're trying to follow Morgan Elsbeth, Baylan Skoll, Shin Hati, and Sabine Wren to the galaxy where Thrawn and Ezra Bridger are presumably located.
Ahsoka recalled the stories that she heard about the Purrgils back when she was young. She also expressed her worries over Sabine's choice to join the enemies on their ship.
Huyang offered a piece of good advice by assuring her that perhaps Sabine made the only right choice that was possible for her.
He went on to say that he has a record of History of the Galaxy Parts 1, 2 & 3 and Ahsoka asked him to recount a story to her to pass the time.
This is the moment where Huyang mentioned the iconic line that was finally being spoken for the very first time on-screen: "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...."
It was very cool to see the iconic opening line being spoken by a character on-screen. It is a reminder that the events that have happened in the galaxy's history books are stories that will be told to future generations just like how we as an audience are watching the films and TV shows and immersed in its lore.
This is probably just a tongue-in-cheek easter egg and homage and we can certainly agree that the moment they did it felt appropriate to bring it up on-screen and make history in the franchise.
New episodes of Ahsoka premiere every Tuesday night on Disney+
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