Kengan Omega, the action-packed martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, is back with Chapter 132 this week, and the fight between Kengan Association's Asura Tokita Ohma vs. Rolon (a.k.a. Lolong) Donaire "The Monster of Manila" becomes more intense.
In the previous chapter, it was revealed that Rolon is also predicting the inception of intent, and the fight becomes a contest of predictions with Rolon out-predicting Ohma.
Rolon hasn't broken a sweat, and at the end, Ohma is able to show off his mastery of the Kure techniques, but will it be enough to take down Rolon? After all, this final match will determine which group will ultimately win the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament.
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 132.
Kengan OmegaĀ 132 Spoilers: Tokita Ohma vs. Rolon Donaire
Kengan Omega Chapter 132 begins with a flashback of Ohma's training with Kure Fusui, who decides to teach Ohma in the Kure family tradition, and Ohma learns that there's more than one set of Kure techniques. Fusui is shooting bullets at Ohma as part of his training, and she explains that the system of techniques is best suited for assassination.
The elder Kure Erioh offers Ohma to teach him the Kure techniques in the family tradition as well, but Ohma says that he has no plans to assassinate anyone. Ohma asks Erioh why he wants to teach him the Kure techniques, and Erioh says that Kure Karura will become the head of the clan one day, and that Ohma has free rein as her groom. Ohma says that he has no plans to marry Karura, and Erioh is pissed, and starts yelling at Ohma.
Back to the present: Ohma is able to dodge Rolon's strike, and it looks like they're trying to get at each other's back but to no avail.
Rolon tries to elbow Ohma but Ohma is able to crouch and elbow Rolon on his knee. Ohma unleashes a Kure family tradition technique called Silhouette, and they're able to get some distance from each other, then they get closer again.
Rolon does some stranger finger movements, and Ohma wonders why his opponent is doing it, and thinks he could be measuring distance with his fingers. Rolon swings a huge kick at Ohma, and does an elbow strike, and Ohma looks surprised at Rolon's attacks.
Rolon does a combo of strikes that overwhelms Ohma, pushing him close to the edge of the stage. The announcer says that Rolon almost pushed him out of bounds. Then Rolon strikes Ohma hard, making him roll in the air, but Ohma is able to counter by striking Rolon on the back of his neck with the Kure Tradition Heaven-Shaking Supreme Fang technique.
The Kengan team cheers but Rolon is able to recover right away, and dashes away to get some distance. Rolon snapc the back of his neck, and it appears that Ohma's technique didn't hurt him much at all. Rolon says that this fight has been entertaining, and the chapter ends.
Kengan OmegaĀ Chapter 132 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 132 is expected to release on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, around noon time EST. Kengan Omega Chapter 131 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 132 to be released around the same time.
Where to readĀ Kengan OmegaĀ Chapter 132?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. For North America fans, they will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 132 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
Fans can also read the latest chapter on ComicKey.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.