After releasing the opening title sequence of the live-action adaptation of the popular anime Cowboy Bebop and the Lost Session teaser, Netflix will be releasing an official trailer, and there will be a special live-stream event to celebrate the brand new footage.
Netflix has shared a teaser for the Cowboy Bebop live-stream event set for October 26 at 4 p.m. PT. The teaser also comes with a shot of the back of John Cho's head with a red question mark on it. He plays the protagonist Spike Spiegel, and Netflix reminded fans that there will be exclusive rewards for those who show up early for the special event. The streamer hasn't revealed the prizes yet, but they're likely pieces of Cowboy Bebop gear.
Netflix also promises that there will be special guests appearing in the live-stream event, and they will most likely include the stars of the show. Of course, fans are also expecting the dog who plays the corgi Ein to show up, but it's unlikely that Ed will show up in the live-stream event, but who knows? Maybe we'll see her in the trailer.
In the anime series, Edward is an eccentric girl skilled at hacking, but she has not been publicly cast for Netflix's live-action series. However, showrunner Andre Nemec previously teased the character's possible appearance.
"Ed - everybody wants to know about Ed," Nemec said. "People will be ... very delighted when they watch the season."
Will you be watching the Cowboy Bebop live-stream on Oct. 26?
Related: Cowboy Bebop Showrunner Talks About Netflix's Perfect Casting
Netflix's Cowboy Bebop is set to release on November 19, 2021. For more details about the series, check out everything you need to know about it here, and don't forget to follow our Netflix Rocks My World page on Facebook for the latest updates.