Attack on Titan is one of those shonen that will get your interest because of its concept. It is set in a world where humans live from the inside of the walls just to protect themselves from titans who are hungry for human flesh. Just hearing that kind of summary will surely make you wonder, “what’s up with this show?”
Even better, if you decide to check out the trailer or watch one episode, you will feel the adrenaline of it, and will hook you into knowing more about the titans and the Attack on Titan world itself. Isayama did a great job with creating various mysteries into the show that will make any anime avid fan watch it. But as time goes by, fans believe that Attack on Titan is overrated, and here are 5 reasons why:
1. The show was overhyped
Attack on Titan started strong with its concept, intriguing plot, and interesting characters. Of course, with those powerful elements, word spread like wildfire in the anime community and fans might have overhyped it. This made people expect too much from the show that when their imaginations weren’t met, they became disappointed with the outcome.
2. The flashback timings were off
While the plot was written beautifully, the timing of the flashbacks was off. It makes the viewer confused as to where it is connected. Even the foreshadowing was kind of a mess. Maybe if these were placed in the right timing, it would have a bigger impact on the story.
3. Too grim for some fans
This one is based on the preference of the viewer. While some fans are fine with how negative Attack on Titan is, some feel that some jokes went too far. For them, the concept is already dark enough to be added with more dark stuff and sometimes they need to see a good side to things.
4. The pairings
Most fans believe that there is no need to ship the characters of Attack on Titan. But since the series got so popular, a lot of people started pairing characters like Eren and Levi. Some fans enjoy how the two characters are joined together while some believe that it was unnecessary to ship those two.
5. Some shock values are off
Not necessarily all, but there are some scenes that fans believe rely too much on shock value. Fans wanted to see more action and not titans eating humans all the time. Although not all viewers have issues with this, there are still fans who want to see other action scenes.
Overall, Attack on Titan is a good show. But of course, not everyone has the same taste and preference. If you can’t decide, why not see it for yourself? Attack on Titan is available online. If you are thinking about watching the series, you may also enjoy these five anime that are like Attack on Titan.
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