Zendikar Rising Packaging Reveals Commander Decks, Theme Boosters, Gift Edition, Bundle & More

Wizards of the Coast has revealed the packaging for the various Magic: The Gathering products that are coming with the latest set Zendikar Rising, and they include the Set Boosters, Theme Boosters, Commander Decks, Bundle, Gift Edition, and Welcome Boosters. Check out the images of each Zendikar Rising packaging below:

Draft Booster

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Credit: WOTC

Set Booster

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This episode of Good Morning Magic shows you the contents of a Zendikar Rising Set Booster:

Here's the breakdown of the contents of each Set Booster:

Up to 4 rares
1 foil in every pack
1:4 packs contain a card from The List (which we'll be revealing in full next week)
There are some cool alternate frames, too (detailed below in the Draft Booster section)
1 art card (1:20 are foil-stamped)
1 token/ad card
12 game cards total

Collector Boosters

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Here are the contents of each Collector Booster:

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Credit: WOTC

Theme Boosters

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There are six different Theme Booster and each booster contains 33-34 commons and uncommons and 1-2 rares or mythic rares.

Commander Decks

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Credit: WOTC

According to Wizards, these Commander decks have less new cards than a "yearly release" but still feature strong cards, and are sold at a lesser price point.

Prerelease Pack

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Each Bundle contains:

10 Draft Boosters
20 foil basic lands (regular frame)
20 basic lands (regular frame)
1 alt-art card (coming soon!)
1 oversized spindown
1 card storage box
Gift Edition
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Each Gift Edition contains:

1 Collector Booster
10 Draft Boosters
20 foil basic lands (regular frame)
20 basic lands (regular frame)
1 alt-art card (coming soon!)
1 alternate-color oversized spindown
1 super-shiny card storage box

Welcome Booster

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Zendikar Rising is set to release on September 25, 2020; it will release on MTG Arena on Sept. 17.

Related: Top 5 Most Exciting Cards From MTG Zendikar Rising Set