Legendary manga illustrator Yusuke Murata has been dabbling with anime recently. Now, Murata released the full Eyeshield 21 anime short that he teased a few months ago.
This new short is made to celebrate the manga’s 21st anniversary. It being called an anime short is wholly accurate as it’s less than a minute long, but it is a must-watch for fans of the manga thanks to its excellent style.
The anime might be a one-off, but fans can at least look forward to a new work from Murata as he also confirmed his upcoming one-shot.
Yusuke Murata Is Working on a Manga One-Shot
Yusuke Murata is one of the most respected manga illustrators in the industry, and he is renowned for his work on various manga titles.
Currently, Murata is best known for illustrating the One-Punch Man manga in Tonari no Young Jump.
While the manga’s story follows the original webcomic by ONE, it elevates the source material thanks to its excellent art.
What’s interesting about it is that Murata was key in getting the manga remake made. Specifically, he was the one who approached the original creator with the idea.
Even before One-Punch Man though, Murata was already a renowned artist thanks to his work on Eyeshield 21, the sports manga series about American Football. The manga was popular enough that it got an anime in 2005.
Now, Murata is back with another manga one-shot titled BRAIN X BRAVE. This was revealed at the end of his Eyeshield 21 anime short.
Presumably, this one-shot will be related to his football manga, though not a lot of details have been shared yet. What we do know is that it will be released in Shonen Jump+.
ALSO READ: Where to Start One-Punch Man's Manga After the Anime
Murata’s Complete Eyeshield 21 Anime Short Is Now Available Online
Previously, Murata teased his Eyeshield 21 anime short on Twitter. Finally, Murata released the complete short on his personal Twitter account.
Animated by Village Studio (which is Murata’s studio), the short is only around 40 seconds long, but it features Murata’s signature style along with full audio. Check it out here:
While there’s already an Eyeshield 21 anime, this short is still significant as it captures the style of the original manga more accurately. Though that may be an unfair comparison given that this is just a one-off piece.
Meanwhile, Murata’s upcoming one-shot has no official Jump+ release date yet.
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