The stranded soccer team's fall into cannibalism is teased in a new video for the upcoming Yellowjackets Episode 9.
With elements of LOST, The Wilds, and Lord of the Flies, Yellowjackets delivers a compelling mystery with plenty of moving parts and engaging characters. The story revolves around a high school soccer team that board a plane together and crash land in the middle of nowhere.
As what happened on the island is eventually revealed, the storyline moves to the present day, 25 years later.
Yellowjackets Episode 9: What to Expect
Showtime's new Yellowjackets promo teases the events of the season's penultimate episode. The team's situation in the woods appears to be devolving into mayhem. The girls' mood appears to alternate between joy and horror, with the video hinting to the team's first time wearing animal skins—a cruel reminder that winter is approaching.
Trippy camera effects, as well as a reference to being poisoned, indicate a fever dream-like mood. "Something's coming," says Lottie (Courtney Eaton), the group's de facto seer. Her words later foreshadow something even more sinister: "We won't be hungry much longer."
Audiences realize early on from the events of the series premiere that the teenagers eventually descend into a wild, cannibalistic clan. Things for the desperate Yellowjackets, however, are just about to worsen in Episode 8. And in the ninth episode, things will even get much worse.
Van (Liv Hewson) barely escapes a violent wolf pack, and the clearly distraught entourage, led by Taissa (Jasmin Savoy Brown), abandons their search for rescue in order to return to the lodge.
When another Yellowjacket’s rescue mission ends in a catastrophic explosion (Laura Lee, played by Jane Widdop, operating a creaky abandoned plane), all hope appears lost for the starving, desperate survivors.
Yellowjackets Episode 9 Release Date
Yellowjackets Episode 9 will be available on Jan. 9 at 10 p.m. ET on Showtime. The series consists of 10, hour-long episodes airing every Sunday.
Viewers with a Showtime membership can watch the ninth episode on the Showtime website or the Showtime app – Showtime Anytime.