Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman continues to joke around with the internet’s emotions. The former X-Men actor posted a picture of himself in an Adventure Time t-shirt on Twitter this morning, with an ominous caption, "Let's see what rumor the look on my face starts today..."
Hugh Jackman’s latest tweet is a response to his recent rumor-igniting social media post last week, where he posted on Instagram a cryptic image, showing him just staring at his iPhone with a shocked facial expression. Jackman captioned his Instagram post with, "😳."
A lot of fans have speculated that Jackman was reacting to everything from the leaked Deadpool 3 leaked script talking about Charles Xavier’s gruesome death to the Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
While the 2017 Logan film was a definitive finale for Jackman’s Wolverine, a lot of fans are still waiting for Wolverine to make a grand return to the big screen. This is due to the fact that unlike in 2017, Jackman’s Wolverine now has the opportunity to interact with characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Ever since Jackman left the Wolverine role, Disney has acquired 21st Century Fox. The merger between the two companies migrated all of Fox’s intellectual property into Disney, with their recent new toys being the Fantastic Four and the X-Men. The mutants have already been a property of Marvel Studios for over three years now, and there are a lot of rumors surrounding the MCU debut of the mutants since Kevin Feige teased their arrival back in 2019 during the San Diego Comic-Con.
Despite all of the new opportunities that would come to Jackman in the MCU, the actor has emphasized that his time as Wolverine has already ended.
"There's nothing in my inbox from Kevin Feige, [which] means it's probably, no matter what idea I came up with, not on the table. Let's just be clear there," Jackman said in an interview with Jake’s Takes back in August 2021. "But I realized, before we shot Logan, I was like, we got the idea. We knew what it was going to be, right? And I thought, 'This is it.' And that really helped me, it really helped knowing I was going into my last season, that it was my last season. That I made the most of it. And it's still a character I hold close to my heart. But I know it's done."
Even if Hugh Jackman will not return as Wolverine in the MCU, the X-Men character’s MCU debut might be coming soon. Taron Egerton confirmed that he met with Marvel Studios, and the actor recently told ComicBook that he'd "love" to play Wolverine in a future Marvel project.
Also Read: The Russo Brothers Break Silence on Potentially Helming the X-Men Reboot