X-Men: Dark Phoenix And The New Mutants Aren’t Getting Cancelled

Yesterday, word came out on a message board saying that 20th Century Fox was planning to cancel its films X-Men: Dark Phoenix and New Mutants because executives from both Disney and Fox haven't been pleased with the results of the films.

According to a "trusted source" in a forum online, executives from Fox and Disney have decided to cancel the films because of the extensive reshoots and because of its multiple delays.

However, it seems like these claims are not true. According to ComicBook.com, both X-Men: Dark Phoenix and New Mutants are moving forward with their release in 2019 with 20th Century Fox currently working on the reshoots for both movies.

These new rumors regarding the films' cancellation might have stemmed from concerns regarding Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox and its various film and television assets. While it remains to be seen what Fox's plans are after the acquisition, it doesn't seem like the merger will affect any of the studio's films in development like Dark Phoenix and New Mutants since the acquisition is expected to see finalization sometime next year.

Of course, it comes as no surprise that the rumors are largely untrue. Not only do they come from an unsubstantiated source, but it doesn't make any logical sense that Fox would can two of its most highly anticipated films.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix is set to release on February 14, 2019. The New Mutants, on the other hand, is scheduled for August 2, 2019.

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