X-Men: The Animated Series is set to make its comeback later this year in the upcoming revival series titled X-Men '97 which will continue the storyline of the original run 26 years after it ended.
However, this time around, it will be produced by Marvel Studios although some of the key creatives from the original will still be involved in some capacity, and the majority of the voice cast is also returning to reprise their roles.
As we're heading to its potential release later this year, we still have not heard any updates regarding the revival except with a couple of information such as the characters who will return.
Given the timetable of animation production, some fans are also wondering whether the series will get a second season and Marvel Studios and Disney+ should have made a decision at this point in order to commence the production very soon.
X-Men '97 Season 2 is Already in the Works
In his recent appearance at San Diego Comic-Con (via The Direct), head writer and executive producer Beau DeMayo revealed that they are already working on a second season of X-Men '97 and shared that they are writing the second season finale at the moment.
"Really, really well. It’s like I said in there, we’re just in post [production] on Season 1... Literally writing the season finale for Season 2 right now," he said.
"It’s going well. I could not be happier... It’s a gargantuan effort with a truly like guerilla tactic, small, but very dedicated team."
So far, Marvel Studios and Disney+ have not officially announced the show's second season renewal yet and it will obviously still depend on the performance of the first season when it airs later this year.
If the revival ends up being a failure, there is a chance that they'll stop the work on the second season and shut down the production. If it's a success, the ongoing work for the second season will proceed per usual which is good news for anyone involved in the series and the fans.
This is certainly a promising update regarding the highly-anticipated animated series as fans are looking forward to seeing how they will continue the original storyline and hopefully, it will live up to the hype and expectations as there is also the nostalgia factor behind the project.
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X-Men '97 is slated to release on Disney+ later this year.