Walt Disney Animation has been hitting homeruns since Tangled, and this November will see the release of the Wreck-It Ralph sequel. The movie has actually been marketed as WiFi Ralph in other countries, and director Rich Moore takes the time to share the international poster.
It seems that the movie is fully embracing the appeal of the Disney Princess cameos so they all appear in the poster complete with their pajama outfits. There had been some recent issues with redesigning Tiana from The Princess and the Frog, but this looks to be her original appearance in the movie. Her final look in the movie is said to be undergoing a rework seeing as there was some backlash on how her features made her look ‘of an ambiguous race.'
If anything, the Disney Princesses are just a small cameo in the film, and I don't expect them to appear for more than 20 minutes. I think it's pretty cool that the movie was able to gather all the original voice actresses to reprise their roles; of course, they had to recast for the older princesses like Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty.
Besides the Princesses, the movie also promises to bring other Disney IP into the film. We got stormtroopers from Star Wars chasing Vanellope in the trailers as well as Iron Man zooming past Ralph. I also think it's cool that they cast Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot to voice a character which is pretty much an animated version of herself.
Wreck-It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet hits theaters Nov. 21.
See Also: Wreck-It Ralph 2: How the Film Brought in the Disney Princesses