Wrath of Khan Director Thought Star Trek: Into Darkness Didn’t Deliver

While a lot of people loved J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reboot from 2009, the same couldn't be said about the sequel Star Trek: Into Darkness. The film has been frequently bashed for just being a rehash of Wrath of Khan, and the director of that film, Nicholas Meyer, shares how he was disappointed by the movie.

Talking to Midnight's Edge (via ComicBook), Meyers explained:

"In my sort of artistic worldview, if you're going to do an homage, you have to add something. You have to put another layer on it, and they didn't. Just by putting the same words in different characters' mouths didn't add up to anything, and if you have someone dying in one scene and sort of being resurrected immediately after there's no real drama going on. It just becomes a gimmick or gimmicky, and that's what I found it to be ultimately."

Though I did like some of the references to Wrath of Khan in the film, I thought the weakest parts ultimately fell on how they wrote Kirk. He was impulsive and downright stupid at some times and having him suddenly resurrected, in the end, does seem too convenient.

Not to mention the doubling down on Scotty's "teleport anywhere" technology as well as the sudden whitewashing of Khan. I mean, they explained that he underwent surgery in the comics to look like Benedict Cumberbatch, but I think that's just a move to defend the casting of a popular actor.

Plus, a lot of people had guessed that Cumberbatch was Khan before the film's release, but Abrams outright lied during interviews just to keep his ‘mystery box' thing going on for the film.

Though I think Star Trek Beyond was bounds better than the Into Darkness, it looks like the fourth film is having some trouble getting off the ground. There was some hype when it was announced that Quentin Tarantino would be working on a Trek film, but for now, we haven't gotten a solid update for months.

Star Trek 4 has not been officially announced.

See Also: Star Trek 4 Possibly Cast Megan Fox In Key Role