WPN for MTG 'Library Kids' Revoked For A Bad Reason, Wizards of the Coast Responds

Wizards of the Coast

Magic: The Gathering'sGuilds of Ravnica Pre-release events happened last weekend but the 30+ kids that usually play at pre-releases that tournament organizer Bruce Richard regularly held at a local community library weren't able to play because the Wizards Play Network (WPN) shut it down.

As Richard told in an article published on CoolStuffInc, the tiny store that he works for had their WPN status revoked. Since the store's space was too small to run tournaments for the kids, Richard had been running tournaments at the local library for the kids, and he was able to host pre-release events there and some small Magic: The Gathering events. However, a couple of months ago, the store received an email from WPN requesting a re-verification. They asked for a video walkthrough of the store so they could update their records. Since their store was too tiny and didn't have a public bathroom and play area, they received the following email:

… [your store's] WPN account is deactivated due to not having a dedicated play space available for 12 players, and not having the space to create one. WPN standards require a dedicated play space for 12 players.
Kind Regards,

Richard replied with a lengthy email to appeal WPN's decision:

I'm Bruce Richard, the TO for [our store]. I am writing to appeal the deactivation of [our store]'s WPN account. The reason the store doesn't have a dedicated play space is not for lack of effort, but simply due to the size restrictions of the store itself. The space [between] the glass display cases is barely six feet. Even removing all the glass cases on one side of the store would not create a space big enough for 12 players to play Magic.
In fact, it was for this reason I initially approached [the owner] and asked him to sponsor our Magic group at the Library. At that time, we were told we could no longer run prereleases without a store to sponsor us. [The owner] owned the closest store, the only store in Newton that sells Magic cards, but the store isn't big enough for tournaments. [The owner] sponsored our tournaments and in return became eligible for all the products only WPN stores can get. While the situation is different from many other locations, it has worked out wonderfully here.
The Magic group at the Library is different in that it is made up completely of school age children. Our Prereleases have had players as young as 7 years old and as old as 18 (excluding myself once)! I wrote about our prereleases for Trick and Blake on the Mothership! Check out the links below to see some of the articles that went up on Wizards' own site:
The reason it is so important to [the owner] and I that we keep WPN status is for these prereleases. Most of the children who attend would not be permitted to attend prereleases otherwise. Their parents are hesitant to allow children so young to be dropped off at the closest game stores. Those stores tend to be in more questionable neighborhoods. The children will be left to play against opponents who are college age or older. The parents would have to stay at the store the entire time and that simply won't happen. The stores don't offer the flat prize structure and door prizes that we offer, as they are catering to older teens and college age players, while we are trying to create a fun experience for even the youngest player who is 0-3 but still excited to win a pack in the final round of the prerelease. Without our prerelease, over half of the players who attend our events simply will not be attending any prerelease.
The all-volunteer staff at the Library (it is a community supported library) love the tournaments as it is one of the only ways they are able to get young boys into the library and around books…
I understand [the store] doesn't meet the new standards for the WPN, but I'm confident the intent of the standards isn't to shut down a thriving Magic community of young players. I have almost 200 email addresses in my mailing list that I send out before each prerelease. The children enjoy the weekly events, but the prereleases are the special events that the children are so excited about. Please reactivate our WPN account so we can bring the Guilds of Ravnica prerelease and future prereleases to these young players!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me…
Best Wishes,
Bruce Richard

Sadly, WPN wrote back, explaining why they won't reactivate the store's WPN status.

To be up front, we will not be re-activating [your store]'s WPN account. If the store were able to have a dedicated play space that is suitable for at least 12 players, we would reconsider. WPN guidelines are aimed at enforcing standards that ensure consistency among other qualities that we feel are important to the player experience. We cannot grant an exception, given that the WPN membership rests with the business, and not with your separate play location.
With there being a number of stores in the area outside of [your store], we suggest reaching out to others to consider sponsoring your Magic group. That way, you have a chance at providing your players with the same experience.

That's pretty unfair for the kids who don't have anywhere else to go for Magic Pre-release events. Richard shared a photo of the empty library seats where the kids usually play on his Twitter account:

Thankfully, according to Richard, Wizards of the Coast responded and said that they will make sure that the kids who missed the Guilds of Ravnica Pre-release will get something special:

The latest MTG set Guilds of Ravnica will be released this Friday.

Related:Magic: The Gathering October 2018 Ban & Restricted Announcement