Wonder Woman 1984 Teaser Hypes Up CCXP Trailer Debut

We already know that the first Wonder Woman 1984 trailer will be dropped during the 2019 Comic Con Experience tomorrow. Luckily, a new teaser offers a glimpse at what we could look forward to this Sunday.

The teaser was shared by Pedro Pascal on his official Instagram account. Check it out below.

The teaser opens with Diana Prince watching a helicopter from the top of a building as a voice claims, "The world needs you." Diana is immediately caught in action as she faces off against a security guard, effectively taking down his gun.

"Nothing good is borne from life," Diana says as she uses her lasso against an unseen opponent. We also get a brief glimpse at Pascal's Maxwell Lord raising his arms under ... something that appears to be gaining power? We're not sure but we're loving how the teaser ends with Diana swinging around using her lasso to grab onto lightning. Yes, LIGHTNING.

We're definitely hyped for the trailer reveal which takes place at CCXP tomorrow. Will we get a glimpse at Kristen Wiig's Cheetah and Chris Pine's resurrected (?) Steve Trevor? We're really hoping for it.

The premise of Wonder Woman 1984 reads as follows:

"Diana Prince comes into conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s and finds a formidable foe by the name of the Cheetah."

The official Wonder Woman 1984 trailer will be livestreamed from CCXP Brazil on December 8 at 12:30PM PT. The film is scheduled for release on June 5, 2020.

Related: Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Gets Official Release Date