Wizards of the Coast's Statement on Magic: The Gathering Cheating Conversation

Magic: The Gathering publisher Wizards of the Coast has made a statement on the recent cheating conversations in the Magic community. The issue came up after Alex Bertoncini, a player notorious for cheating in the past, made Top 8 at Grand Prix Los Angeles last weekend. According to a Redditor, Bertoncini was booed during the Top 8 announcement at the event. Although he was banned from playing Magic twice before, many believe that Wizards should have given him a lifetime ban especially for premium Magic events like the Grand Prix. A repeat cheater being allowed to play is hard to accept for many Magic players.

Now, Wizards of the Coast has taken it to Twitter to address their intent on putting more effort into making sure that competitive Magic is fair.

"It has always been important to us that competitive Magic is fair & honest, but we can do more. We're following the conversation & we're starting a process to work with key community members to evaluate DCI policies & tournament rules to keep Magic a leader in competitive gaming"

It will probably take some time before Wizards of the Coast can make necessary actions against cheaters but it's good to know that they're looking into the issue.

It's easy to see why many fans have a problem with Bertoncini making it to the Top 8 of Grand Prix Los Angeles. The player was caught cheating several times, even on video coverage before. If you search for his name on YouTube, you'd find different videos that show how he cheated. Check out some of the videos below:

What do you think Wizards of the Coast should do to make Magic: The Gathering events more fair and honest? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Read more: TCGPlayer Responds to Magic: The Gathering Counterfeit Issues