Winter Soldier actor Sebastian Stan had a few jokes from Tom Holland after the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home. As the latest MCU movie continues to climb the box office charts, the Falcon and Winter Soldier actor revealed that he hasn’t watched the movie yet. In an interview with Jake’s Takes, Sebastian Stan joked that the reason why he wasn’t able to watch the film yet was because of the theater situation, but he also couldn’t resist adding a sarcastic remark on Tom Holland too. Sebastian Stan joked, "But I typically don't like to support Tom Holland so it's difficult. I support the films, but not him so much." You can watch the interview below:
The beef of these two actors dates back all the way to Captain America: Civil War. Both Sebastian Stand and Anthony Mackie had their run-in with Spider-Man. Now they can’t help make a joke whenever the topic of Holland comes up. The new Captain America has also made several jokes about Tom Holland before No Way Home was released. Luckily for them both, Holland also makes jokes about it too. Fans love seeing this back and forth banter between the actors.
"I haven't seen (Spider-Man: No Way Home) yet because I haven't been to a theater," Stan said. "I haven't managed to go to a theater yet, but I do want to see it because I love the idea that it brings back all these characters from the past and just seeing all of them are going to interact in that one movie."
The Winter Soldier star isn’t the only one making those jokes. His co-star in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series also joked that Holland’s Disneyland attraction was fun, but he owned the ride because of his high score. Previously, Spider-Man actor Tom Holland also joked that there was no MCU Falcon movie. Well now, the new Captain America is getting his own feature and the idea of having a team-up excites a lot of MCU fans. In an interview with Comicbookmovie, Tom Holland said that the idea intrigues him.
"Listen, I love Anthony Mackie. If there's a Spider-Man/Captain America team-up down the line, then we should absolutely make that happen," Holland said. "You know, he can brag about beating me on my own ride – which I haven't actually ridden yet – but until he's got his own ride, he's got nothing. He doesn't have a leg to stand on."
Spider-Man: No Way Home was released exclusively in US theaters on December 17, 2021.