The Flash’s latest episode, titled “Wildest Dreams”, serves as the final Supergirl crossover and features Nia Nal (a.k.a. Dreamer). In this episode, Nia and Iris fall into a fever dream and explore different possibilities for their lives. Barry, Chester, Allegra, and Cecile try to help them in the real world, and Barry mentions asking for help from the “League”.
So will the Justice League appear in The Flash’s final season?
Barry Asks for Help from the League
While Iris and Nia are stuck in a fever dream, Barry looks for ways to help his wife and Nia. He asks Chester if Team Supergirl can help considering that they know Nia’s powers more than they do. However, Chester tells him that Kara Danvers, Martian Manhunter, and Brainiac 5 are all "off-world."
Barry then tells Team Flash that he will ask for help from the "League, Cisco, Dig [John Diggle], or anyone he can think of."
Barry's mention of the "League" clearly references the Arrowverse’s Justice League, a team that was formed at the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. The League’s members consist of the Flash, Supergirl, Superman, Black Lightning, White Canary, Batwoman, Martian Manhunter, and the late Green Arrow.
The Flash Season 9 already featured Javicia Leslie’s Batwoman following the story of the Red Death. Other Arrowverse members such as Wally West/Kid Flash and John Diggle/Spartan are set to appear as well. And finally, Stephen Amell’s Green Arrow will be returning in The Flash Season 9, with the actor recently sharing updates on Twitter:
So what about the other members of the League?
Will We See the Justice League in The Flash’s Final Season?
Probably not. While fans would have wanted to see the Justice League assemble once again, this might not happen for several reasons.
In an interview with The Nerds of Color, The Flash’s showrunner Eric Wallace confirmed that the Justice League isn’t happening in The Flash’s final season.
“I wanted to do a full on crossover with as many characters as possible. The Blackest Night storyline that we started hinting at last year with Diggle and the box. So yeah, it kind of bums me out that we’re not going to do that. I wanted to bring Despero with his alien friends and have a full-on alien invasion. That would have featured the Justice League at the Hall of Justice coming in and helping Barry. We’re not going to do that either,” Wallace said.
On the other hand, Tyler Hoechlin appears to have his hands full on Superman & Lois, while Melissa Benoist seems to be finished with Supergirl as the actress didn’t appear in the final Supergirl crossover.
Despite all this, The Flash’s reference to the Justice League does show the Arrowverse’s consistency in its shared universe. The Arrowverse has always been filled with easter eggs too, so we might as well look out for more in the remaining episodes of The Flash.
RELATED: The Flash Season 9 Episode 7: Final Supergirl Crossover Recap and Ending Explained
The Flash Season 9 airs every Wednesday on The CW.