Will Namor Be The Villain of Black Panther 2?

To the surprise of no one, Avengers: Endgame was filled with Easter Eggs and references that Marvel fans would get a kick out of. Most of them were just for fun but there is one that has fans talking; Okoye's brief moment after the five-year time jump. The character mentioned that there was an earthquake in the ocean and they handle it by not doing anything, which has a lot of fans thinking Namor will be introduced soon.

Since it was mentioned by Okoye, fans are also hoping that Namor will be the villain for Black Panther 2.

Why do fans want this? Because the two have a lot of history in Marvel's comic books. Ever since Avengers vs X-Men, both kings haven't been able to see eye-to-eye after Namor killed millions of Wakandans while he was possessed by The Phoenix. Namor has never apologized or showed regret for his actions and T'Challa retaliated by not telling the King of Atlantis when Shuri launched an attack on Atlantians.

Obviously, their history in Avengers vs X-Men but they could always add some intrigue with something original when the film comes out. It would be interesting to see how these two go to war in the sequel, assuming this actually happens. Here is hoping it happens since a fight between the two would be pretty cool.

Black Panther 2 has yet to be announced. Avengers: Endgame is now showing in cinemas.

Via io9

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