Why Square Enix’s Avengers Game Didn’t Use the MCU Actors’ Likeness


A lot of people were excited when Square Enix unveiled the first trailer for Marvel's The Avengers: A-Day but was admittedly disappointed that the game doesn't use the likeness of anyone from the MCU. As it turns out, this was so the devs could have more freedom when it came to the story.

Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Crystal Dynamics creative director Shain Escayg explained that the devs wanted to "make an original Avengers game and go back to the roots in the comic books." Escayg continues, "We wanted to clearly show that this was our spin on the Avengers… Even the way we cast these characters was based on our story and our narrative."

If you've watched the trailer, you'll know that the story is already pretty different, what with Captain America dead and the Avengers basically being hated by everyone because of all the people who died. My thing is, if they really wanted it to stand out, they should've just redesigned the whole thing completely. From afar, it still looks like the MCU Avengers, so what was the point of having their own spin?

For now, Square Enix will have to deliver one hell of a game if they want this one to kickstart an entire franchise. Sony did good with their Spider-Man game for the PS4, but we don't know if they'll be able to capture the same magic with A-Day. If anything, they could always wait a few more years and give us the MCU-based game that everyone wants to play.

Marvel's The Avengers: A-Day is set to come out on May 15, 2020.

See Also: E3 2019: Marvel's Avengers Reveals First Look At Abomination