Who is the Villain in Pokemon: Detective Pikachu? This Fan Theory Has a Brilliant Suggestion

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu has got fans talking, whether it's for the interesting look for the realistic Pokemon or how odd it is hearing Ryan Reynolds voice a cute electric mouse, it has everyone's attention. Now that fans are aboard the hype train (choo choo), they have decided to take a gander on who will end up being the film's main villain.

On Reddit, one fan felt that it would be brilliant to have Meowth as the main villain, still being a part of Team Rocket but possibly in-charge rather than just a thug. According to the user, it would make a great contrast since Detective Pikachu can only be understood by Tim, while Meowth will be a Pokemon everyone can understand, just like in the anime.

Some fans love the idea, pointing out that it would do justice to the "cat-and-mouse" saying that goes with a lot of mystery stories. Plus, it would be a fitting tribute to the anime since the two fought often and still accompany their human companions to this day. While this isn't official, it would be cool if this ended up being the actual result.

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is coming out on May 11, 2019. The story has Tim teaming up with a Pikachu only he can understand as they try and find out what happened to his father. It's loosely based on the 3DS game of the same name, which has roughly the same plot and characters.

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