Tales of the Jedi is a lesser-known series of animated Star Wars shorts that features Ahsoka prominently. But which Inquisitor did Ahsoka Kill in Tales of the Jedi?
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What Happens in Tales of the Jedi?
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi is a short anthology series created by Dave Filoni that came out in 2022.
Like Clone Wars and Rebels, Tales of the Jedi is animated.
The series unfolds during and shortly after Star Wars' prequel era. There are two main paths.
The former features Ahsoka Tano's early life before joining the Jedi Order, an episode from her life as a padawan, up until her surviving Order 66, and a snapshot from her life in hiding after the Empire took over.
The latter focuses on Count Dooku before his turn to the dark side.
For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the sixth and final episode of Season 1.
In it, Ahsoka attends Padme's funeral in secret. Senator Bail Organa notices her and gives her a way to contact him if she needs to.
Ahsoka goes into hiding and works at a farm. When she saves a fellow farmer, her brother notices Ahsoka is a Jedi and reports her to the Empire.
An Inquisitor arrives at the farm and Ahsoka kills him before contacting Bail Organa who welcomes her into the Rebellion.
Who Are the Inquisitors in Star Wars?
The Order of the Inquisitors is an organization comprising Force-sensitive agents of the dark side.
The Inquisitors report to Dark Vader. They're led by a powerful individual known as the Grand Inquisitor, whom we meet in Rebels and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Every other inquisitor is normally addressed as Brother or Sister, preceded by an adjective of number that describes their rank, e.g. Third Sister.
Inquisitors are often tasked with locating and capturing any surviving Jedi.
Which Inquisitor Did Ahsoka Kill in Tales of the Jedi?
Little is known about the Inquisitor whom Ahsoka kills in Tales of the Jedi. But since the episode is based on an Ahsoka novel, we at least know that there, the Inquisitor is known as Sixth Brother.
The novel in question is Ahsoka by Dave Filoni which came out in 2016.
Episode 6 of Tales of the Jedi is a relatively faithful adaptation of an episode from the Ahsoka novel; which is intentional, given that both are works by Dave Filoni!
The only caveat is that the Inquisitor we see in the animated anthology series doesn't exactly fit the description of his book counterpart.
This means that, theoretically, the Inquisitor Ahsoka kills in Tales of the Jedi could be a new one, created only for the purposes of the show, but this hasn't been confirmed.
So far, the Inquisitor in question hasn't appeared in any other Star Wars media.
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