Where is the best place to watch and stream 'Last Christmas' as of November 2021? We've compiled an updated list of streaming services that currently have 'Last Christmas' movies available to watch!
Watch Last Christmas Free: November 2021 Update
- 'Last Christmas' is available on Netflix.
- 'Last Christmas' is also available to rent or purchase on Amazon Video or YouTube Movies.
Co-written by Emma Thompson (who also stars in the movie), 'Last Christmas' is actually a development of the George Michael song of the same name, but we'll leave it there before we get into any real spoilers. This Christmas movie stars Emilia Clarke as the unreliable and selfish Katarina, a young woman who's going nowhere in life. She works at a Christmas store in London with her store manager and friend, 'Santa', who has given Kat far too many chances already.
But Kat ends up meeting Tom, a charming man who works at the local homeless shelter. First taken aback by Tom's selflessness, Kat slowly comes around to the idea of not only looking after herself, but also considering others, and those far more in need - which is something the late singer George Michael was very passionate about, and prior to his untimely death, asked Thompson to include as an overarching theme in the script.
Now, let's find out where you can watch 'Last Christmas'.
Is Last Christmas on Netflix?
The first streaming service we've unwrapped actually has 'Last Christmas' available! You can't go too wrong with the most popular streaming service, not for $8.99 per month basic, $13.99 standard, or $17.99 premium. Netflix has a huge volume of TV shows, documentaries, and more, and there are many other Christmas movies to enjoy here, too.
Is Last Christmas on Hulu?
Unfortunately, 'Last Christmas' isn't available to stream on Hulu. However, prices for this streaming service currently stand at $5.99 per month, although it's expected there will be some increases. Standard subscriptions are set to go up slightly, while an ad-free version will range from $11.99 to $12.99 per month.
Is Last Christmas on Disney Plus?
Unfortunately, despite it being a pretty good fit, 'Last Christmas' is nowhere to be found on Disney+. But there are plenty of Christmas movies on this streaming service for you to enjoy. Home to the likes of 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National Geographic', ESPN, STAR and so much more, Disney+ is available at the annual membership fee of $79.99, or the monthly cost of $7.99. If you're a fan of even one of these brands, then signing up to Disney+ is definitely worth it.
Is Last Christmas on Amazon Video?
'Last Christmas' can be found on Amazon Video - you can rent it for $3.99 or buy your own copy for $14.99. We highly recommend getting your own copy, because this movie definitely has the re-watchability factor.
Is Last Christmas on HBO Max?
There's no sign of 'Last Christmas' on HBO Max. But if you're still interested in the service, it's $14.99 per month, which gives you full access to the entire vault, and is also ad-free. HBO Max recently confirmed that a cheaper version would soon become available, for the price of $9.99 per month, however, this would include those pesky ads.
Is Last Christmas on Peacock?
'Last Christmas' isn't currently available on Peacock, either. Nevertheless, subscriptions for the streaming service cost $4.99 monthly, or $49.99 for the whole year with a premium account.
Is Last Christmas on Paramount Plus?
Sadly, despite hoping that it would appear on at least one of the 'Plus' streaming services, 'Last Christmas' isn't on Paramount+, either. To enjoy this service, though, a basic package will cost you $4.99 per month with ads, while an ad-free premium package will cost $9.99 per month.
Is Last Christmas on YouTube Movies?
Thank Santa! 'Last Christmas' is available on YouTube Movies. You can rent it for $3.99, or purchase it for $14.99.
Related: Where to Watch and Stream Love Actually Free Online
'Last Christmas' is directed by Paul Feig, the man behind 'Bridesmaids' and yes, the 'Ghostbusters' reboot. But don't let the latter put you off, and nor should you be discouraged by anyone who doesn't like this movie - 'Last Christmas' is a sweet seasonal rom-com (of sorts), and if you're a fan of the works of the late George Michael, there's even more for you to love here, as some of his best songs are played throughout - including the most obvious one, of course.
Given time, we think this jingle of a gem will become more appreciated ('Love Actually' was hardly dubbed a classic upon its release). Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding also give great performances, while the George Michael soundtrack does help to lift the film out of what could have potentially been mediocrity. They really don't make Christmas movies like this anymore - at least not in the numbers they used to. Perhaps it's the late singer's nostalgic numbers, but 'Last Christmas' feels like a Christmas movie from the heyday of such things (the '90s).
While 'Last Christmas' is a great Christmas comedy, it's also pretty depressing, so be sure to grab a handkerchief - you're going to need it!