Netflix Korea is working on a new dystopian series entitled Goodbye Earth. The show is based on a novel written by KÅtarÅ Isaka and is expected to be released in 2023. With hits of the same genre (like The Silent Sea), South Korea has definitely upped its game in the intergalactic thriller. So far, here's what we know about the upcoming dystopian series:
Goodbye Earth Release Date
As of this writing, not much is known about Goodbye Earth. But its producer, Han Cinema, has listed the show for a 2023 release.
On September 5, 2022, we learned from a K-Drama fan that filming for Goodbye Earth has already wrapped up. The tweet contains a photo of a cake celebrating the last day of shooting of the series. It's captioned with:
"*kdm* Serial Netflix 'Goodbye Earth' finished filming. Can't wait for it to e released in 2023 "
This means that the production status of the series has moved to post-production.
When the show gets released, it will have a total of 12 episodes. The individual runtime for each episode has not been revealed.
Goodbye Earth Story
While the show is based on a novel, its screenwriter was Jung Sung Joo. This is the first screenplay that Sung Joo has written since 2015. Her other works include Heard It Through the Grapevine, Secret Love Affair, A Wife's Credentials, and Bean Sprout.
Goodbye Earth is directed by Kim Jin-Min.
Just like its title says, Goodbye Earth story is about the days leading up to a catastrophe caused by an asteroid hurtling towards the planet. We learned that the show will have four main protagonists whom we'll get to know throughout the remaining days of the planet.
The show will detail the remaining 200 days of the planet before a massive asteroid is slated to hit Earth. We get to meet former middle school tutor, Jin Se Kyung (played by Ahn Eun Jin), who has volunteered to protect the children.
Another member of the cast is Yoo Ah In, who plays Ha Yoon Sang, the long time boyfriend of Se Kyung. Yoon Sang works as a researcher at the Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology.
Unfortunately, that's all we know about this show so far. We'll continue to update this post once more information becomes available.
Goodbye Earth Cast
In January 2022, Netflix confirmed that both Yoo Ah In and Ahn Eun Jin will be starring in Goodbye Earth. Shortly after that, they revealed two other cast members as Jeon Seong Woo and Kim Yoon Hye.
The other members of the cast include:
- Ahn Eun Jin (as Jin Se Kyung)
- Yoo Ah In (as Ha Yoon Sang)
- Jeon Seong Woo (as Priest Damiano/Woo Sung Jae)
- Kim Yoon Hye (as Kang In Ah)
The show has an unnamed actor who will play the role of Seo Ye Hwa. We'll reveal this information once Netflix makes a new announcement.
Is There a Goodbye Earth Trailer Online?
Right now, there is no trailer available for Goodbye Earth. We will update this post once Netflix releases one.
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