Elite, the popular Spanish teen drama, is returning for Season 6, and Netflix already announced that it will be released on Friday, November 18. Created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona, the show is set in Las Encinas, fictional elite secondary school and revolves around the relationships between a diverse group of students. Each season usually teases a thrilling whodunit mystery that's usually solved at each finale.
Las Encinas is determined to cover up its scandalous past, but more problems arise, such as domestic abuse, homophobia, racism, and sexism. The returning cast members include Carla Díaz, André Lamoglia, Valentina Zenere, Adam Nourou, Martina Cariddi and Manu Ríos. Newcomes for this season include Ander Puig, Álvaro de Juana, Ana Bokesa, Carmen Arrufat, and Álex Pastrana.
Just like previous seasons, Elite Season 6 is rated TV-MA for its sex, sexual violence, nudity, strong language, substance abuse, and smoking, so this show is mean to be watched by mature audiences and may not be suitable for viewers under 17-years-old.
There are already five seasons of Elite available to stream on Netflix, and all eight episodes of Season 6 will be available to stream soon, so if you're hyped to watch the new season, you can check out the release time (based on your time zone) below, but first, here's the trailer for Elite Season 6:
Elite Season 6 Release Time
Update: Elite Season 6 is now available to stream on Netflix.
Here's when Elite Season 6 comes out in your Netflix region this Friday:
- United States (PDT) - 12:00 AM
- United States (EDT) - 03:00 AM
- Canada - 3:00 AM (Toronto), 12:00 AM (Vancouver)
- Brazil (Rio De Janiero) - 4:00 AM
- United Kingdom (GMT) - 8:00 AM
- Europe (Central European Summer Time) - 9:00 AM
- Europe (Eastern European Summer Time) - 10:00 AM
- Australia - 3:00 PM (Perth), 5:00 PM (Sydney)
- New Zealand (Auckland) - 7:00 PM
- Indonesia (Jakarta) - 2:00 PM
- Philippines (Manila) - 3:00 PM
- Hong Kong - 3:00 PM
- Singapore - 3:00 PM
- Japan (Tokyo) - 4:00 PM
- South Africa (Cape Town, Central Africa Time) - 9:00 AM
As most fans probably already know, Season 6 is not the last; Netflix already renewed the teen drama for Season 7, and you can read the latest details in everything we know about Elite Season 7.