Over a decade ago, Disney released Tangled, a revamped version of the fairytale of Rapunzel. During the quarantine period, many have re-watched Tangled and felt like they are Rapunzels of their own, trapped at home with nowhere to go because it is not safe outside.
Because of the Rapunzel-esque feels of the people, it has been a top search on google which includes the question, "what is the name of the kingdom in ‘Tangled'?" and the answer to this question blew away those who searched it: "Corona."
People are baffled as it is strange that Tangled could have predicted our current scenario with the COVID pandemic and we were just unaware of it when we first watched it.
Imagine the kingdom where Rapunzel was kept away from, carries the name "Corona" and she is safely distanced away from it only to escape and get to the town herself. This is a Tangled world we are living in!
Trapped in a tower for almost 18 years, people got inspired by Rapunzel especially with her song "When will my life begin?" as its lyrics perfectly fit the scenario of everyone at home while waiting for the coronavirus curve to flatten.
The lyrics of the song gives anyone a whole lot of things to do while at home: do chores, sweep floors, polish and wax, do laundry, mop and shine floors, sweep again, read a book or maybe two or three, add few paintings to the gallery, brush hair, play guitar, knit, cook, and go wondering all day when will your life begin or more fittingly, when will our lives be back again.
With this, people hailed Rapunzel as the queen of quarantine for having endured being away from everyone for so long while here we are, only a few months of lockdown and we can't even wait to go outside and meet people beyond the screen.
Just a year ago, Disney is reportedly making a live-action film for Tangled and that was announced only a month before the start of the pandemic. With people now trained to become their very own version of Rapunzel, it would be more relatable to have a Tangled live-action film now that we all know how Rapunzel felt then.
With the help of streaming services, people were able to pass time and enjoy themselves in their own version of their towers. Different stay-at-home hobbies also emerged. People kept their lives running and busy just to keep up with the life everyone had to leave behind prior to the pandemic.
While vaccines are still underway, people are reminded to stay home, wash hands properly, and still practice social distancing as Corona is not yet over.
Related: Disney Fans Want Cher and Amanda Seyfried to Star in Live-Action Rapunzel Remake